If your accident has resulted in a severed arm or leg or the scheduled removal of one of your limbs, you understand the devastating effect an amputation injury will have on your life, as well as the members of your family. Your career and livelihood are at stake.
You may also be facing significant medical bills, the cost of prostheses and years of physical rehabilitation. You are losing more than an arm or a leg. You are losing your life and future as you had a right to envision them.
There are almost 2 million people living with an amputation and roughly 335,000 new amputations happening each year. This type of injury can be one of the most traumatic experiences a person may go through in their life. It affects the victim as well as the surrounding family.
The trauma is not just the immediate injury, but the ongoing difficulty that the person has coping with daily life without an arm or leg or without multiple limbs. Everyone is affected. Families are destroyed by these catastrophic injuries.
How does someone go about seeking the right experienced, amputation lawyer to represent them? The right Attorney can truly make all the difference in your situation. If you’ve lost a limb due to another’s negligence, you have the right to seek justice.
For more than 21 years, trial lawyer Christopher Zachar of Zachar Law Firm in Phoenix, Arizona, has been representing victims of negligence in the most serious and complex personal injury cases. Chris handles amputation injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, work accidents, slip and fall accidents and injuries sustained while using a dangerous product. Zachar Law Firm understands how important it is to prepare your amputation injury case thoroughly and determine the full and fair amount of compensation you may be entitled to.
Because of our extensive preparation, including using independent professionals and expert witnesses, Zachar Law Firm is able to settle amputation injury cases more quickly, and oftentimes out of court.
When a jury trial is necessary to protect your rights and interests, we have extensive courtroom experience that has earned Zachar Law Firm an excellent reputation among satisfied clients and legal professionals throughout Arizona.
Contact our offices to schedule a no-cost consultation with personal injury attorney Christopher Zachar right away. Chris will provide a complete and honest evaluation of your rights under the law and the challenges you may face in obtaining compensation. Zachar Law Firm handles personal injury claims on a contingency basis—meaning that unless you recover money damages in a settlement or by jury award, you will not pay anything for our services.
Contact us today to discuss your negligence accident and amputation injury case.