Ken of “Greater Phoenix Attorney at Law Magazine” interviews Phoenix personal injury lawyer Chris Zachar on being selected Solo Practitioner Of The Month, November 2010:
Ken: I am aware of what Personal Injury practice is, but you just catch me up on Wrongful Death, I am not sure I understand what that exactly is.
Chris Zachar: Wrongful death is just simply when a loved one dies as a result of someone else’s negligence. It could be a a car accident, it could be a medical mistake, it could be a product that fails, it could be a dangerous condition on somebody’s premises. Any type of circumstance or incident whereby somebody dies as a result of their injuries is considered a Wrongful Death case. In Arizona, there are very few select people who are, by statute, who are entitled to bring a Wrongful Death claim. Parents can bring a wrongful death claim, a spouse can bring a wrongful death claim and children can bring a wrongful death claim. There are limited number of circumstances where someone additional can bring one, but it is not very common and we don’t see if happen very often.