If you’ve been hurt in a Mesa motorcycle accident, don’t let the insurance company devalue your claim. Reach out to a motorcycle accident lawyer in Mesa to recover compensation for your losses.
A motorcycle accident can be more dangerous than many other types of motor vehicle accidents. With a car or commercial truck, you at least have airbags and seat belts. On a motorcycle, you may suffer more serious injuries because it’s just you, your helmet, and the open road.
Because your injuries are so severe and costly, you may need help getting compensated fairly to be made whole again. Luckily, the lawyers at Zachar Law Firm, P.C. are here to help. Reach out to a Mesa motorcycle accident lawyer to learn more about your options.
When you’re hurt in a motorcycle accident, you may have grounds for an insurance settlement or a lawsuit. Arizona places the financial responsibility for your claim on the at-fault party, so they or their insurance company should pay for your damages. But that doesn’t mean they’re willing to play fair.
Insurance companies are still for-profit companies—while these companies are supposed to help you recover after an accident, they may instead focus on their profits. Because of this, you may receive a low or no settlement offer for your accident.
When this happens, you may need a Mesa motorcycle accident attorney to help you make a full financial recovery. They will help you get a fair settlement for your claim, or they can help you take a bad faith insurance claim to court.
Before you accept any insurance settlement, you also need to know what your claim is worth. The insurance company doesn’t always offer fair settlements. That’s especially true for motorcyclists, who may suffer more severe injuries and losses because of the lack of protection on a motorcycle.
Your lawyer will help you determine what damages you’re due, or the compensation needed to cover all your financial losses, mental trauma, and suffering. But these damages, both economic and non-economic, can be tough to calculate.
For example, you may have suffered a spinal cord injury that left you paralyzed. Your economic damages, like medical bills and household accommodations, may be easier to determine. But what about the loss of enjoyment of life? You may now be unable to ride your motorcycle and enjoy that freedom. Your lawyer can help you get compensated for all these damages.
If you’ve been hurt in a serious motorcycle accident, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. The at-fault party may not be so willing to help you recover from your injuries, making it more difficult to recover.
The lawyers at Zachar Law Firm, P.C. are ready to offer the guidance you need. We offer free consultations and representation in the courtroom, so you can focus on more than your lawsuit. Begin with a free consultation with a Mesa motorcycle accident lawyer by calling 602-494-4800 or by completing the following online contact form.